After upgrade to 7.x, the famous qfarm command gone.
Qfarm was a nice tool to check health and load on all farm XenApp servers:
In 7.x server load is replaced with loadindex. Default Citrix loadindex only check number of users. I will recommend to also set this citrix policy:
To check loadindex, it can be done in Studio, Director and with PowerShell.
After login, choose Trends i top bar and then Load Evaluator Index
Add function inside a PS module that will load automatically and qfarm command is back 🙂
function qfarm { if(!(Get-PSSnapin | Where-Object {$ -Like '*citrix*'})) { Add-PSSnapin citrix* } Get-BrokerMachine -AdminAddress servername.domain.local –SessionSupport MultiSession –Property ‘HostedMachineName’,’LoadIndex’,’SessionCount’, 'InMaintenanceMode' }