To start with automation of golden image creation its good to start with a base. For a really good base with 99% finish configured I will recommend Automation Framework from
Has used this for different Citrix XenApp solution and it works perfect. To support XenApp 6.5 with PVS and two NICs its need to do some network config. To solve this I have created a PowerShell script that’s run in the Task sequence of Automation Framework:
Note: Check your adapber number to be sure it will change correct nic
#Change name on NIC Get-NetAdapter 'Ethernet 3' | Rename-NetAdapter -NewName PROD #PVS Get-NetAdapter 'Ethernet 4' | Rename-NetAdapter -NewName PVS #Remove DNS Reg on PVS NIC Get-NetAdapter PVS | Set-DnsClient -RegisterThisConnectionsAddress $false #Disable LSO on PVS NIC Get-NetAdapter -Name PVS | Disable-NetAdapterLso -ipv4 -norestart